Wrongful Termination Pre-Settlement Funding

If you have a pending wrongful termination claim and need immediate financial assistance, pre-settlement funding can help.

Is Pre-Settlement Funding Considered a Loan?

No, pre-settlement funding is not a loan. While we occasionally use the term “lawsuit loan”—since it’s a common search phrase—what we offer is technically different.

Pre-settlement funding is a non-recourse cash advance provided in exchange for a portion of your potential future settlement. Unlike a traditional loan, you are not required to repay the advance if you lose your case. In essence, we assume the risk. You receive funds upfront, and if your case is successful, we collect an agreed-upon share of your settlement.

A man in a wheelchair holding his belongings in an office after being fired

What Is Wrongful Termination?

In virtually every state employment is “at will,” which means that an employee can be terminated at any time and without being given a reason or can leave at any time and without a reason. There are legal exceptions to this rule, though, and sometimes an employee is unjustly or illegally let go.

Wrongful termination occurs when an employee believes they were unjustly or illegally fired by their employer. Wrongful termination can happen if:

  • An employee is illegally discriminated against on the basis of a protected category
  • An employee is let go in violation of company policy
  • An employee is let go in violation of public policy
A male employee being fired by an angry manager

Employees who have been wrongfully terminated can sue their employer to recover their job, back pay, and compensatory damages. They may also be eligible for unemployment benefits as well under state law.

Financial strain in these situations can add to the stress as many struggle to make ends meet and keep up with bills without employment. If you have a pending wrongful termination claim and need immediate financial assistance, pre-settlement funding can help.

Get a Wrongful Termination Lawsuit Loan Today

Our application process is free, with no hidden fees or charges. And if you have any questions, our team is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how pre-settlement funding can help you get the financial support you need during this difficult time or apply by filling out the form below.

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